Welcome to our website!
Vinoherck is a wholesale wine and liquor merchant since 1944. All our products are imported directly from their country of origin. Thanks to the import in very large quantities, Vinoherck gets the lowest prices possible from its suppliers.
The main market in which Vinoherck operates, is the Belgian so called traditional market. Vinoherck mainly supplies Belgian wholesalers and wine merchants who supply at their turn mostly restaurants and individuals. We also make a clear distinction between products delivered to the traditional market and the supermarkets.
Over the years, Vinoherck also became a specialist in the supply of wines and liquors to the food processing and beverage industry. To this respect, Vinoherck disposes of an extemely wide and diversified offering.
Vinoherck is situated at the top of the Belgian distribution chain. Its philosophy has always been to respect every stage in this chain.
Vinoherck disposes of two tax warehouses in the Port of Antwerp and has a total storage capacity for bulk wines of 3.500.000 liter en a total surface of 6.000m² . Vinoherck takes care of all formalities related to excise tax and customs clearance.
We thank you for visiting our company website and hope that you will find it useful and informative. Should you have any questions or remaks after your visit, please don't hesitate to contact us! Kind regards,
 The Vinoherck team